Loch Abar Mòr is a nature restoration partnership, working at scale to enable communities to thrive in an ecologically diverse and climate resilient landscape.

The partnership brings together land managers, communities and businesses from across Lochaber, who share a commitment to ecological recovery as a solution to the climate and biodiversity crises.

Our work



Working with communities to ensure that ecological recovery works in tandem with employment, learning and recreation opportunities.



Expanding and connecting a dynamic mosaic of habitats, shaped by natural processes, that is home to an abundance and diversity of life.



Creating climate-resilient living systems, capable of carbon capture and storage, reducing the local impacts of climate change.

Our vision

Over the next 50 years, the Loch Abar Mòr partnership will create a rich mosaic of habitats alive with nature, weaving across boundaries, in which people work and live with a sense of pride and belonging.
